
This island titles a poem that states “hope your road is a long one / full of adventure, full of discovery.” For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this Greek island that was home to Odysseus.
ANSWER: Ithaca [or Ithaka or Ithaki]
[10m] The poem “Ithaca” was written by this poet of “The City,” who described how the subject’s “soul weeps for other things” in his poem “The Satrapy.”
ANSWER: Constantine Petrou Cavafy [or C.P. Cavafy or Konstantos Petrou Kavafis]
[10h] Cavafy’s other works with classical references include this poem, which states “don’t mourn your luck that’s failing now” and advises “say goodbye to her, to Alexandria who is leaving.”
ANSWER: “The God Abandons Antony” [or “The God Forsakes Antony”; or Ἀpoleίpein ὁ theὸs Ἀntonion]

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