A painting by this artist set in his hometown depicts a man in black playing the violin to the right, set After Dinner. This artist painted his sisters Zoé, Zélie, and Juliette assisting a barefoot peasant girl in Young Ladies of the Village. In a painting set in this artist’s hometown, two old veterans of the Revolution of '93 stand next to a white dog. A white cat naps beneath a landscape painting being (*) painted by this artist in the center of one painting. This artist included his patron Alfred Bruyas among many Parisian elites next to a nude model watching this artist work in his studio. On the left of one painting by this artist, a crucifix is held high above clergymen next to a man kneeling toward a hole. For 10 points, name this French Realist painter, whose many depictions of his hometown include A Burial at Ornans. ■END■
ANSWER: Gustave Courbet
<Noah Sheidlower, Visual Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position