
Though male wingless Chinese dragons could fly using a wand called a bo shan, female dragons would use these objects for the same purpose. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this sort of object, one of which causes “chaos” when wielded by the Chinese Buddhist Diamond King Mo Li Hai. A hopping yokai resembling one of these objects with one eye is a classic example of a tsukumogami.
ANSWER: umbrella [or parasol; or kasa-obake; or chaos umbrella]
[10m] Umbrellas called hti (“hee”), representing the dome of heaven, top pagodas in this modern day country. Animistic spirits called nats were syncretized with Buddhist figures by Anawrahta in this country.
ANSWER: Myanmar [or Burma]
[10e] In Hindu tradition, the umbrella is a symbol of Varuna, a lord of the sky and this domain. Many dragon kings rule this domain in Journey to the West, which is located directly east of China.
ANSWER: the sea [or the ocean; accept saltwater; accept the East China Sea]
<Taylor Harvey, Mythology>

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