The applied element method simulates the result of this process. The ICE protocol aims to improve resource management in this process. A 2016 paper by Vasquez et al. shows that the mixture of waste recycled from this process with MK and OPC can be used as a precursor to geopolymers. Besides bomb disposal, a device developed by Alford Technologies named Krakatoa is used to initiate this process. Aside from blasting rocks in mines and quarries, a (*) nonel is a device used in this process. To prevent overextension during this process, excavators are equipped with ram guards. An older method for this process that costs collateral damage makes use of a wrecking ball, while more modern methods make use of explosives. For 10 points, identify this process of tearing down a building by simply destroying it. ■END■
ANSWER: controlled demolition [or razing; or cartage; or wrecking before mentioned; or ship breaking; or collapse; or tear down; reject “deconstruction”]
<Leo Law, Other Science>
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