
In this book, the author compares the fate of the poet to the tyrant Phalaris cooking in the brazen bull, whose cries reach his killers as sweet music. A speaker in this book references an empty grave marked “The Unhappiest One” in a speech given to the Symparanekromenoi, or the “dead people club.” A sequel to this book discusses the three “existence spheres” of the “esthetic-sensuous,” the “ethical,” and the “religious.” (*) Stages on Life’s Way continues this book, which describes a man pursuing Cordelia, before abruptly ending their relationship, in “The Seducer’s Diary.” (10[1])This book urges readers to avoid boredom with an analogy to “crop rotation.” For 10 points, name this book that draws a distinction between the ethical and aesthetic ways of living, written by Søren Kierkegaard. ■END■

ANSWER: Either/Or
<Emmett Laurie, Philosophy>
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