
Description Acceptable. It’s not inheritance, but Caracalla’s 10% tax paid after this action was lowered to 5%, giving it the name vicesima. Peculia were often paid in order to take this action, which was limited by both the Augustan Lex Aelia Sentia (15[1])and the Lex Fufia Caninia. These actions came in censu and testamento types, and often a rod called a vindicta or festuca was tapped on the head of the central figure, who then put on a felt cap called a (*) pileus. (10[1])This action was performed on Emperor Pertinax’s father, (-5[1])and those taking it acquired the status of patronus (-5[1])towards the other person. The taker of this action assumed the role of patronus. After (-5[1])undertaking (-5[1])this action, people who weren’t dediticii gained Latin rights as liberti or (10[1])libertini. For 10 points, name these actions by which Ancient Roman slaves were freed. ■END■ (10[2]0[2])

ANSWER: freeing slaves [or manumissions; or manumissio; or manumissionis; accept any answer describing freeing a slave or granting a slave freedom]
<Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford, Other History>
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 Penn Bowl (Harvard)10/21/2023Y3100%33%33%112.67
2023 Penn Bowl (Mainsite)10/21/2023Y771%14%57%106.80
2023 Penn Bowl (Norcal)10/28/2023Y2100%50%0%82.50
2023 Penn Bowl (South Central)10/28/2023Y3100%0%0%116.67
2023 Penn Bowl (UK)10/28/2023Y560%40%40%68.67
2023 Penn Bowl @ Waterloo10/28/2023Y475%25%75%113.67
2023 Penn Bowl @ UNC10/28/2023Y3100%0%0%129.00
2023 Penn Bowl @ FSU10/28/2023Y2100%0%0%112.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Lexi TermanRutgersUMD A4115
Julian BushlowCornell BColumbia B8210
Ben RotkoSwarthmoreJHU B90-5
Forrest WeintraubColumbia ACornell A99-5
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYUPitt114-5
Cade ReinbergerRITJohn Jay A115-5
Sinecio MoralesJHU AUMD B12710
Raymond WangCornell AColumbia A14210
Ethan AbelevJHU BSwarthmore1420
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay ARIT14210
Samuel WangPittNYU1420