
Soviet strategy at this event was disseminated by Bohuslav Eĉer and in a memorandum written by Murray Bernays and D. W. Brown. Leon Dostert and Alfred Steer led a group that helped pioneer simultaneous, machine-based translation at this event. (-5[1])Telford Taylor took a leading role at this event, which was prepared for (15[1])by a team including Andrei Vyshinsky and Roman Rudenko. Aron Trainin influenced a document written for this event by Robert Falco and Iona Nikitchenko, the (*) London Charter, which created the IMT before it and codified the concept of “crimes against peace.” Geoffrey Lawrence served as (-5[1])president at this event, whose American contingent was led by Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson. For 10 points, name this event at which the Allies convicted various Nazis (10[1])of war crimes. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: Nuremberg Trials
<Emmett Laurie, European History>
= Average correct buzz position

Back to tossups


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Gareth ThorlaksonToronto WearyLibrary of Babel School of Continuing Studies38-5
Franklin WuToronto RoflLa Clique du Château5115
Kane NguyenMixed-Affiliated Contingency, Off the Team & Absent: Wong, AdrianWaterloo Miku96-5
Kunaal ChandrashekarToronto JoyWaterloo Hatsune12410
Micah ColmanWaterloo MikuMixed-Affiliated Contingency, Off the Team & Absent: Wong, Adrian12810
Erik ChristensenLibrary of Babel School of Continuing StudiesToronto Weary12810


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2023 Penn Bowl @ Waterloo10/28/2023Y4100%25%50%107.75
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