Unlike a similar operation, the mother node formed by this operation does not share the same label as the daughter that is the head. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this operation which takes two units and combines them into one. Along with Move, this is one of the basic operations of a 1990s Noam Chomsky theory of language.
[10e] Merge leads language to have this property, which is why there are an infinite number of sentences in any language. This property occurs when something is defined in terms of itself.
ANSWER: recursion [or being recursive]
[10m] Merge and Move are part of this Chomskyan theory of generative grammar. Research in this theory became popular in the 1990s, succeeding government and binding theory and x-bar theory.
ANSWER: Minimalist Program [or minimalism]
<Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford, Social Science>
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