
In the first year of this decade, Paul Keating said Australia was having a recession it “had to have,” having earlier called it a “banana republic.” For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this decade when New Zealand pursued “Ruthanasia,” a continuation of the previous decade’s “Rogernomics.” The Asian financial crisis occurred at the end of this decade.
ANSWER: 1990s
[10h] Rogernomics dismantled the expansive “cradle to the grave” welfare state set up by this New Zealand Prime Minister, its first from the Labour Party.
ANSWER: Michael Joseph Savage
[10m] The National Party won its first election after Savage’s successor Peter Fraser unpopularly supported this policy. The Australian Labour Party ejected active Prime Minister Billy Hughes for supporting this policy.
ANSWER: conscription [accept National Service; accept the Draft; accept answering indicating conscription during World War I or World War II]
<Emmett Laurie, Other History>

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