
Americans of this ethnicity benefited from Pat McCarran’s “Sheepherder Laws.” A city in these people’s homeland was transformed by a 1997 project that now names an “effect” for turning around any industrial city with postmodern architecture. (20[1])These people’s rights to popular assemblies were guaranteed by the fors, which were abolished after the Carlist Wars. People of this ethnicity were the first Europeans to exploit the (*) cod fisheries of Newfoundland. A group seeking secession for this ethnic group, ETA, carried out terrorist campaigns following the death of Francisco Franco. For 10 points, name these people who speak a language isolate and whose homeland is in the Pyrenees. ■END■

ANSWER: Basques [or Vasco or Vascongado or Euskaldunak or Euskotarak; reject “Spanish” or “Spaniards”]
<Michael Bentley, History - Cross, Historiography, and Miscellaneous&gt; ~25737~ &lt;Editor: Michael Bentley>
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