
A philosopher’s commentary on works in this language inspired the “rule” that class sizes should not exceed 40 students. The author of Phaedon was part of an 18th-century enlightenment named for this language’s word for “education.” A treatise in this language’s script compares assigning properties to the divine to talking about winged (20[1])underwater elephants in an argument that God can only be described by (*) negative attributes. For undermining holy texts written in this language, a lens-grinder was expelled from his Amsterdam community in 1656. The religion that uses this language is reconciled with Aristotelianism in The Guide for the Perplexed. For 10 points, name this language of the religion of Baruch Spinoza and Moses Maimonides. ■END■

ANSWER: Hebrew [or Ivrit]
<Jordan Brownstein, RMP - Philosophy&gt; ~25021~ &lt;Editor: Jordan Brownstein>
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Charles YoungBarrington AThomas Jefferson A5120


2023 PACE NSC06/10/2023Y1100%100%0%51.00