
Phemius places this object down to beg for mercy, and is told to use this object to dispel suspicion of murders. In the Iliad, a Thracian man loses the ability to use this non-bodily object after boasting near the river Alpheus. Amphion builds the walls of Thebes by using this object to move stones. In one tradition, Heracles killed his teacher Linus by striking him on the (20[1])(*) head with this object. This object is used upside down in a contest that results in Marsyas being flayed alive. A day-old god invented this object after stealing cattle. (10[1])These objects are the symbols for the muses Erato and Terpischore. A turtle shell and cow entrails were first used to create these objects by Hermes. For 10 points, name this ancient Greek stringed instrument. ■END■

ANSWER: lyre [accept yoke lute; accept cithara; prompt on musical instrument] (The second line is about Thamyris.)
<Lalit Maharjan, RMP - Greco-Roman Mythology&gt; ~24745~ &lt;Editor: Jaimie Carlson>
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2023 PACE NSC06/10/2023Y1100%100%0%66.00