
A humanist in this profession commissioned Francesco Griffo to make a new style of objects for use in it. One innovator in this profession received 800 guilders of finance capital from Johann Fust and may not (0[1])have invented the punch-matrix system himself. Early innovations in this profession were developed in Venice by Aldus Manutius. The first Englishman in this profession learned it in Bruges and was named (*) William Caxton. In Europe, this profession was essentially invented by a goldsmith in the city of Mainz (“mines”) who now names (10[1])an online “project” of public domain works. For 10 points, name this profession innovated by a man who produced a set of 42-line Bibles, (10[1])Johannes Gutenberg. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: printer [accept answers like bookseller or publisher or book maker or operator of a printing press; reject “author”]
<Michael Bentley, History - European - Misc&gt; ~24265~ &lt;Editor: Michael Bentley>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Arnav LahotiSt. Mark'sWinston Churchill A350
Braden BoothDallas CountyPlymouth8610
Keefer LinChattahoochee BCarbondale11010
Kevin PengWinston Churchill ASt. Mark's11310


2023 PACE NSC06/10/2023Y2100%0%0%99.50