
AVCOAT (“AV-coat”) is applied in a fiberglass honeycomb matrix to form these devices. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these devices whose “ablative” type lifts the shock layer above the boundary layer. SpaceX spacecrafts use the “phenolic-impregnated carbon ablator” one of these devices.
ANSWER: heat shields [or thermal protection systems or ablative heat shields; prompt on shields]
[10e] Heat shields protect spacecraft during this part of a mission in which friction causes excessive heating as the spacecraft descends through the atmosphere.
ANSWER: Earth reentry [or atmospheric reentry; accept answers indicating the return to Earth]
[10m] Columbia was destroyed on reentry because its heat shield was damaged by debris from one of these components. Some aircrafts have detachable “drop” examples of these components exemplified by the central orange part of the Space Shuttle launch vehicle.
ANSWER: fuel tanks [or external fuel tanks or liquid hydrogen fuel tanks; prompt on external tanks by asking “what do they hold?”]
<Michael Bentley, Science - Engineering and Miscellaneous&gt; ~20439~ &lt;Editor: David Bass>

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