
This type of coal produced less smoke than softer bituminous alternatives, making it more suitable for indoor use. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this type of hard coal widely supplied from northeastern Pennsylvania mines in the 19th century.
ANSWER: anthracite coal [prompt on black coal]
[10e] In an 1864 essay, this author argued that coal-fired stoves hurt family unity compared to gathering around an open hearth. Abe Lincoln supposedly called this author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin “the little woman who made this great war.”
ANSWER: Harriet Beecher Stowe
[10h] A coal company of this name used a mule train to haul anthracite coal from Pisgah Mountain to Philadelphia. Iron production was an important industry in a valley of this name whose most populous city is Allentown.
ANSWER: Lehigh [accept Lehigh Valley]
<Michael Bentley, History - American - Pre-1865&gt; ~20260~ &lt;Editor: Michael Bentley>

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