
Description acceptable. The queens of Balobedu, the inspiration for H. Rider Haggard’s Ayesha, are said to have the hereditary ability to perform this task. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this task accomplished by the Maya by lowering boys into a hole as they make frog noises. A tool used for this task is often made from a hollow cactus.
ANSWER: bringing rain [accept Rain Queens; or a rainstick; accept bringing water or storms or precipitation; accept ending a drought; prompt on bringing clouds or lightning or thunder] (The tool mentioned is a rainstick.)
[10e] In a story from this country, an owl got the frog Tiddalik to laugh and release the water he drank. This country’s Aboriginal stories also include the water-bringing Rainbow Serpent and the Dreamtime.
ANSWER: Australia [or Commonwealth of Australia]
[10m] In times of drought in India, frog weddings may be held to appease this god, who kills the serpent Vritra with the vajra, a thunderbolt-like weapon.
<Jaimie Carlson, RMP - World Mythology&gt; ~21224~ &lt;Editor: Jaimie Carlson>

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