
Before performing this action, Jesus declares, “You do not realize what I am doing, but later you will understand.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this action that Jesus performed on his disciples prior to the Passover Festival as told in John 13 (“chapter 13”).
ANSWER: washing the disciple’s feet [accept equivalents like foot washing or other answers involving cleaning the feet with water; prompt on washing or ablution or cleaning with “Washing what?”]
[10e] The Washing of the Feet is a common ritual on a “Maundy” holiday that falls on this day of the week. This day of the week comes before a “Good” holiday that commemorates Jesus’s crucifixion.
ANSWER: Thursday [accept Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday]
[10h] On Holy Wednesday, Eastern Orthodox services contrast Judas with a sinful woman who performs this action on Jesus and then uses her tears to wash his feet. Matthew 26 (“chapter 26”) relates how the disciples were initially indignant about the “waste” of performing this action.
ANSWER: pours expensive perfume on Jesus [accept any answer involving spraying perfume on Jesus or anointing Jesus with perfume; prompt on anointing or other nonspecific answers with “With what?”]
<Michael Bentley, RMP - Christian Practice&gt; ~18731~ &lt;Editor: Athena Kern>

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