TADF (“T A D F”) compounds undergoing this phenomenon are responsible for the high internal efficiency of organic devices first researched by Chihaya Adachi. This phenomenon's anisotropy (an-ICE-uh-trop-ee) is calculated from a ratio of intensity and the grating factor. TTA (“T T A”) was proposed to explain anthracene derivatives undergoing this phenomenon through a Dexter electron transfer. Similar to techniques such as STED (stehd), Stefan Hell's 4Pi microscope achieves ■END■
ANSWER: fluorescence [prompt on photoluminescence; prompt on light emission until it is read; do not accept "phosphorescence"]
<Sean Farrell , Science - Chemistry - Mixed/Any>
= Average correct buzz position
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Aidan Lim | Asia A | Missouri A | 78 | 10 |
Rohan Ganeshan | Illinois Blue | Illinois White | 78 | 10 |
Teigue Kelly | Illinois Orange | Ohio | 81 | 10 |
Caleb Zhao | Maryland Red | New Jersey A | 82 | 10 |
Aaryan Sumesh | Virginia | Arkansas | 104 | 10 |
Arthur Zhang | Asia B | New Jersey B | 119 | 10 |
Leonard Castine | Kentucky B | Missouri B | 119 | 10 |
Omar Hamid | Kentucky A | California | 120 | 10 |
Simeon Barclay | Liberia | Pennsylvania | 120 | 10 |