
This man is the alphabetically earlier namesake of a theorem which evaluates the derivative of an energy eigenvalue of a Hamiltonian with respect to a parameter. This physicist represented solutions to the Dirac equation in (1+1) spacetime dimensions using a checkerboard (10[1])model, which he (10[1])first published in a textbook written with Albert Hibbs. This man's doctoral advisor once postulated to him in a phone call that there only exists one (10[1])electron in the (-5[1])universe. In this physicist's namesake (10[1])formulation of quantum mechanics, (10[1])all possible trajectories are (10[1])integrated to (10[1])compute the amplitude of a process. With Schwinger and Tomonaga, this man won the Nobel prize in physics for his contributions to quantum electrodynamics. For 10 points, antiparticles are read as particles moving backward in (10[1])time in which Caltech physicist's diagrams? (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: Richard Feynman [Richard Phillips Feynman; or Hellman-Feynman theorem; or Feynman checkerboard model; or Feynman path integral formulation; or Feynman diagrams]
<Kevin Ye , Science - Physics - Quantum/CMP>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Rohan GaneshanIllinois BlueIllinois White4010
Aidan LimAsia AMissouri A4310
Aaryan SumeshVirginiaArkansas6910
Caleb ZhaoMaryland RedNew Jersey A72-5
Brighton RischPennsylvaniaLiberia7710
Adam SmithCaliforniaKentucky A8110
Shreyas SinghIllinois OrangeOhio8510
Kyan CheungAsia BNew Jersey B8710
Leonard CastineKentucky BMissouri B12210
Devam MondalNew Jersey AMaryland Red12810


2023 NASAT06/17/2023Y9100%0%11%81.33