
Ximenean (hee-MEN-ee-an) examples of these things eliminate redundancy in their instructions, while necessitating precise definitions. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these things. A day before the 1996 presidential election, Jeremiah Farrell created one of these things which could have predicted both "Clinton Elected" and "Bob Dole Elected."
ANSWER: crossword puzzles [or cryptic crosswords; prompt on puzzles]
[10e] People who managed to complete a cryptic crossword within twelve minutes received invitations to work at Bletchley Park, where they cracked this German code that was enciphered using a namesake machine.
ANSWER: Enigma [or Enigma machine]
[10h] Cryptic crosswords were pioneered by Edward Powys Mathers, who created this puzzle book whose 100 randomly arranged pages need to be reordered to form a coherent story. As of 2022, only four people have managed to solve this puzzle book.
ANSWER: Cain's Jawbone [or The Torquemada Puzzle Book]
<Yingzhi Nyang , Other Academic/Cross-Category - Any>

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