
A non-Australian John Howard became an advocate for this cause after a series of visits beginning in the 1770s. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this cause. The advocacy of the Quaker Elizabeth Fry for this cause, which included a Parliamentary Committee in 1818, helped contribute to an 1823 law.
ANSWER: prison reform [accept answers indicating improving prisons or jails]
[10e] The 1823 Gaols ("jails") Act was introduced by this politician, who served as Home Secretary. This politician's career ended following backlash to his successful efforts to repeal the Corn Laws.
ANSWER: Robert Peel
[10m] Elizabeth Fry's humanitarian work began after witnessing the conditions of this prison, which she said were only slightly better than a slave ship. This prison was stormed by a mob during the 1780 Gordon Riots.
ANSWER: Newgate Prison
<Govind Prabhakar , History - European - Western European>

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