
Answer some questions about Renée Vivien, a British poet prominent in the literary circles of Belle Époque Paris, for 10 points each.
[10e] In 1903, Vivien published a translation of this poet, reflecting Vivien's openly lesbian identity. Her translation includes this ancient Greek poet's "Ode to Aphrodite."
ANSWER: Sappho [or Psappho]
[10m] This author was Vivien's neighbor in Paris, and depicted Vivien in The Pure and the Impure. This author, usually known by a single name, portrayed a young Parisian woman in the novella Gigi.
ANSWER: Colette [or Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette]
[10h] This author's poetry collection The Alms of Alcippe (al-KIP-ee) won the annual Renée Vivien Prize in 1958. This author, the lifelong partner of Grace Frick, wrote a novel whose title ruler describes the death of his lover Antinous (an-TI-noh-us).
ANSWER: Marguerite Yourcenar [or Marguerite de Crayencour, or Marguerite Antoinette Jeanne Marie Ghislaine Cleenewerck de Crayencour] (The novel is Memoirs of Hadrian.)
<Alexandra Hardwick , Literature - European any>

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