
It was claimed that Oleksa Dovbush, an 18th-century social bandit from this region, could only be killed with a silver bullet kept in a dish of spring wheat for one year. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this mountain range whose ancient people worshipped Zalmoxis for his discovery of the soul's immortality at Mount Kogaion.
ANSWER: Carpathian Mountains [prompt on Dacia or Thracia]
[10e] Carpathian stories also mythologize a bandit with the Slovak version of this first name who is said to have done a jig at the gallows before jumping on a hook. A dragon-slaying soldier with this name is England's patron saint.
ANSWER: George [or Saint George of Lydda; or Juraj Janosik]
[10m] The "Slovak Robin Hood" Juraj Janosik legendarily evaded authorities with three tokens given to him by some of these figures. Vasilisa the Fair's doll helps her complete tasks in stories of a pestle-wielding one of these figures.
ANSWER: witches [or hags]
<Justin Hawkins , Mythology - Mixed/Any>

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