
The cult of Magna Mater, the Roman equivalent of Cybele (SIB-uh-lee), was adopted in Rome during this conflict. For 10 points each:
[10m] Identify this conflict. After one battle in this conflict, a group of four consisting of two Greek and two Gallic couples were buried alive as sacrifices to the gods.
ANSWER: Second Punic War
[10e] The syncretized Magna Mater was cited by Virgil as this god's mother. This chief Roman god was married to Juno.
ANSWER: Jupiter [or Jove; do not accept "Zeus"]
[10h] Every March equinox, the Hilaria festivals honored Magna Mater by felling a tree three days before celebrating this deity's resurrection. This consort of Cybele castrated himself in a ritualized frenzy.
<Lalit Maharjan , Mythology - Greco/Roman>

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