
It is believed that the lost upper portion of this painting featured the Sacrificial Lamb. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this painting. In this painting, a man dressed in blue reaches toward the sky in front of seven writhing nudes.
ANSWER: The Opening of the Fifth Seal [or The Fifth Seal of the Apocalypse or The Vision of Saint John or Profane Love]
[10e] The Opening of the Fifth Seal was painted by this artist, who also painted View of Toledo.
ANSWER: El Greco [or Domḗnikos Theotokópoulo]
[10h] The lost upper portion of The Opening of the Fifth Seal may have resembled The Concert of the Angels, a study El Greco drew for this scene. Adam and Eve are hunted out of paradise in a painting depicting this scene in the Prado.
ANSWER: annunciation
<Fredrick Morlan , Art - Painting/Sculpture - Renaissance>

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