
The Therīgāthā is an early collection of poems written by these people. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these people, who are uniquely subject to the eight garudhammas in addition to the vinaya. Ananda's intervention allowed for these people's inclusion in the sangha.
ANSWER: bhikkhuni [or female monks; or nuns; prompt on Buddhist women]
[10h] According to the Pali Canon, the first woman admitted into the monastic sangha was this foster mother of the Buddha. This woman was the younger sister of the Buddha's birth mother, Queen Maya.
ANSWER: Mahapajapati Gotami or [or Mahapajapati Gotami]
[10e] Bhadda Kapilani, an early bhikkhuni, gained the ability to see memories from her past lives in this cycle. During his first night under the Bodhi Tree, the Buddha saw a vision of his past lives undergoing this cycle of death and rebirth.
ANSWER: samsara [prompt on reincarnation]
<Andrew McCowan , Religion - Buddhism>

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