
A poetic form in this language consists of two logically unrelated parts that are linked allusively or prosodically. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this language used for pantun poetry. In a set of "Annals" in this language, a prince throws his crown off a sinking ship before encountering a lion on a nearby island.
ANSWER: Malay [or Bahasa Melayu; or Indonesian; or Bahasa Indonesia; or Malay Annals; or Sejarah Melayu] (The tale is the founding myth of Singapore.)
[10e] Because of its scope and mythological aspects, the Malay Annals have been described as a work in this genre. Other works in this genre center on Sundiata and Gilgamesh.
ANSWER: epics [or national epics; or epic poems]
[10m] An epic poem from this country describes how "talent and destiny are apt to feud" through the tale of a woman repeatedly forced into sex work. In a poem set in this country collected in Night Sky with Exit Wounds, lyrics from "White Christmas" intersperse with a "burning city."
ANSWER: Vietnam [Socialist Republic of Vietnam; or North Vietnam; or South Vietnam; or Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam]
<Yingzhi Nyang , Literature - World/Misc poetry>

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