
This author's novel Untold Story imagines Princess Diana arranging her own disappearance to live incognito in America under the name Lydia. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this author, who depicted the relationship between Yasmin Ghorami and Joe Sangster in the novel Love Marriage. Another protagonist created by this author is fascinated by ice skaters on television, and is about to ice skate for the first time as the novel ends.
ANSWER: Monica Ali
[10m] Ali is best known for this novel, whose protagonist Nazneen marries the much older man Chanu. This novel depicts Bangladeshi immigrant communities in the title area of East London.
ANSWER: Brick Lane
[10e] Samad Iqbal, a Bangladeshi character living in London, plays a central role in this British author's novel White Teeth.
ANSWER: Zadie Smith
<Alexandra Hardwick , Literature - British long fiction>

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