
Choral music in this language sometimes features vocal parts for oktavists, which sometimes extend down to an F1. For 10 points each:
[10e] Give this language whose liturgical music traditions often incorporate the Znamenny chant. Liturgical and psalm chants in this language were collected into the Obikhod, which inspired the 1812 Overture.
ANSWER: Russian [or Russkiy]
[10m] The Znamenny chant features unison liturgical singing incorporating this technique popular in Gregorian chant, in which a single syllable of text is sung while spanning multiple pitches.
ANSWER: melisma
[10h] The Znamenny chant is blended with features of Byzantine chants in a style named for this monastery within Lake Ladoga. That style of chant is in a two-part form with diatonic ornamentation.
ANSWER: Valaam Monastery
<Noah Sheidlower , Art - Other - Auditory - Other Music Traditions>

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