
Barlaam the Calabrian denounced this movement's focus on staring at "the middle of the body" by dubbing its practitioners omphalopsychoi or "people with souls in their navels." For 10 points each:
[10h] St. John Climachus and St. Gregory Palamas advocated what movement that spread throughout the Christian East in the 13th century, in which the Jesus Prayer is constantly repeated?
ANSWER: hesychasm
[10e] Hesychasm flourished at this monastery founded by St. Athanasius in 963. Women and non-human females are banned from this Orthodox facility's namesake feature.
ANSWER: Mount Athos
[10m] Heyschasm won official church support at the fifth ecumenical council named for this city. An 843 council in this city issued the final condemnation of iconoclasm, which was earlier countered during Irene's rule as Byzantine empress based in this city.
ANSWER: Constantinople
<Matt Weiner , Religion - Christianity/Judaism>

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