
The quantum version of this algorithm requires destroying universes in which a list is unsorted. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this purposefully awful sorting algorithm that either randomizes the order of a list until it is sorted or runs through the list of possible permutations.
ANSWER: bogosort [or quantum bogosort]
[10e] The deterministic worst-case scenario is having to check every single permutation, meaning bogosort is big-O of n times this function of n, which gives the number of permutations of n distinct objects.
ANSWER: factorial
[10h] The best-case scenario is having the first randomization be the sorted list, meaning that bogosort is big-[this letter] of n to account for the shuffling and checking process. This Greek letter represents the lower-bound time complexity of an algorithm.
ANSWER: omega [or big-omega]
<Lalit Maharjan , Science - Compsci>

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