
This empire's founding people fled from the Xiongnu (shong-NU) after they turned the skull of those people's ruler into a drinking cup. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this empire, which was established by the prince Kujula Kadphises. This empire extended its influence northwards after installing Chenpan as the king of Kashgar.
ANSWER: Kushan Empire [prompt on Yuezhi]
[10m] Various scupltures from the Kushan empire show soldiers riding these animals. Kushan military power consisted primarily of archers who rode these animals.
ANSWER: horses
[10e] The Kushan Empire was later ruled by Kanishka the Great, who underwent this action. King Tissa of Anuradhapura underwent this action thanks to the efforts of the Mauryan prince Mahinda.
ANSWER: converting to Buddhism [or any answer about becoming a Buddhist; prompt on conversion]
<Govind Prabhakar , History - Other - Ancient>

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