
Answer the following about beef in American military history, for 10 points each:
[10h] Wade Hampton led the so-called "Beefsteak Raid" during this campaign to capture Union cattle supplies. The Battle of the Crater involved Ambrose Burnside's failed charge during this campaign.
ANSWER: Siege of Petersburg [or Richmond-Petersburg campaign]
[10e] The Embalmed Beef scandal, in which nearly inedible beef was supplied to U.S. troops, occurred during this war. This conflict started after the explosion of the USS Maine and resulted in U.S. control of Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
ANSWER: Spanish-American War
[10m] This American journalist compared Pancho Villa to Robin Hood for his propensity for distributing captured beef to the poor. This journalist wrote about the Russian Revolution in Ten Days That Shook the World.
ANSWER: John Reed [John "Jack" Silas Reed]
<Justin Hawkins , History - American - Civil War to World Wars>

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