
The fractional quantum Hall effect can be understood as an integer Hall effect on electrons that are attached to "tubes" of this quantity. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this quantity that is threaded through a solenoid to show the importance of gauge invariance within the quantum Hall effect in an argument by Laughlin. Maxwells and Webers are units of this quantity.
ANSWER: magnetic flux [do not accept "magnetic flux density" or "magnetic field"]
[10e] Charge-flux composites are examples of composite types of these particles. Electrons are these particles that have half-integer spin and contrast with bosons.
ANSWER: fermions
[10h] Certain filling fractions of the fractional quantum Hall effect are predicted to exhibit the nonabelian type of these quasiparticles. These quasiparticles can only exist in two-dimensional systems, and their wavefunctions are multiplied by an arbitrary phase under exchange.
ANSWER: anyons
<Kevin Ye , Science - Physics - Quantum/CMP>

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