
The author of this book details his life before his stroke, when he was the head editor of the French version of Elle. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this memoir by Jean-Dominique Bauby, which was written by its author by blinking thousands of times.
ANSWER: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly [or Le Scaphandre et le Papillon]
[10e] Bauby compares himself to Noirtier, a character from this earlier novel who can only communicate by blinking. Noirtier's son, the prosecutor Gérard de Villefort, goes insane in this novel after learning that his son Andrea survived when Villefort buried him alive.
ANSWER: The Count of Monte Cristo [or Le Comte de Monte-Cristo]
[10m] Gérard de Villefort imprisons this character in the Château d'If in Alexandre Dumas's novel The Count of Monte Cristo.
ANSWER: Edmond Dantès [or Edmond]
<Fredrick Morlan , Literature - European long fiction>

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