
Kenneth Lay was the CEO of this company during its scandal which caused the collapse of the accounting firm Arthur Andersen. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this American company which declared bankruptcy in 2001 after a massive accounting scandal.
ANSWER: Enron Corporation
[10m] Enron was accused of artificially inflating the cost of electricity in this state, which partially resulted in the defeat in a recall election of Gray Davis.
ANSWER: California
[10h] Enron's bankruptcy was, at the time, the largest in the history of the United States, but it was shortly surpassed by the 2001 bankruptcy of this telecom company under CEO Bernard Ebbers. Two years later, this company changed its name to MCI.
ANSWER: WorldCom [or MCI WorldCom]
<Fredrick Morlan , History - American - post-1945>

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