
A kingdom of these people was ruled by a line of queens known as Kabara, one of whom married an adventurer from Baghdad named Bayajidda. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these people whose seven kingdoms were founded by Bayajidda's sons. These kingdoms included Gobir and Kano, the latter of which was ruled by the semi-mythical queen Amina.
ANSWER: Hausa [accept Hausa-Fulani]
[10e] Although the Hausa kingdoms initially practiced animism, all eventually adopted this faith. Many of the Hausa kingdoms fell to the Fulani jihads, which were started by Usman dan Fodio, a cleric of this faith.
ANSWER: Islam [accept Sunni Islam]
[10h] Usman dan Fodio's daughter Nana Asma'u established a group of women known as jajis, who had this profession. Marabouts were religious leaders who practiced this profession in addition to being chaplains.
ANSWER: teachers [accept educators or scholars]
<Govind Prabhakar , History - World - Africa>

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