A verse form from this country that imitates the use of snare drum in a namesake style of folk music was created for an epic poem inspired by its limestone caves. With John La Rose and Andrew Salkey, a poet from this country co-founded the journal Savacou. A poet from this home country of Anthony Kellman reproduced a newspaper detailing Mildred Collymore’s assault in his poem “I was Wash-Way in Blood” and repeated the word “bruggadung” in increasing font size to end his poem (*) “Soweto,” in tradition with his “Sycorax Video Style.” Esther Phillips, this country’s first poet laureate, was the partner of the author of the collection The Pleasures of Exile. The Arrivants trilogy and collection Born to Slow Horses were written by a poet from this country who coined the term “nation language.” For 10 points, name this Caribbean country home to George Lamming and Kamau Braithwaite. ■END■
ANSWER: Barbados (The first sentence refers to Tuk verse.)
<Rahul Keyal, World Literature>
= Average correct buzz position