
An assassination attempt targeting this person failed in part because local police had recently accessed the attackers’ weapons cache and replaced their bullets with low-velocity rounds. Paul Wilkinson publicized an abortive proposal to have this person appear on the talk show After Dark. The United States’s approval of a 48-hour visa for this person to attend a conference in New York City caused a rift between Bill Clinton and John Major. In interviews for an oral history project conducted by Boston College, Brendan Hughes and (*) Dolours Price implicated this person in the murder of Jean McConville. Years of secret negotiations between this person and John Hume of the SDLP eventually led (10[1])to his party’s affiliated paramilitary group announcing a ceasefire in 1994. For 10 points, name this Northern Irish politician who from 1983 to 2018 was the president of Sinn Féin. ■END■

ANSWER: Gerry Adams [or Gerard Adams; or Gearóid Mac Ádhaimh]
<Austin Brownlow, Other History>
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