An admiral from this modern-day country captured a fort off the coast of Murūḍ by hiding his men in boxes of silk and wine. A military leader born in this modern country designed the innovative neher aqueducts of the city where Aurangzeb is buried. A noble from this modern country sparked rumors by allegedly lifting a ruler onto her horse by her armpits; that alleged lover of Razia Sultāna from this modern-day country was Jamāl-ud-Din (*) Yāqut. A politician born in this modern country founded Aurangābād while regent of the Ahmadnagar Sultanate and was named Malik Ambar. This modern [emphasize] landlocked country was the home of the ancestors of the Siddī ethnic group, who are also known by the term habshi, deriving from the former Arabic name for this country. For 10 points, many of premodern India’s slaves came from what country formerly called Abyssinia? ■END■
ANSWER: Ethiopia [or Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ityop’iya Federalawi Demokrasiyawi Ripeblik, or Rippabliikii Federaalawaa Dimokraatawaa Itiyoophiyaa]
<Ashish Subramanian, World History>
= Average correct buzz position