A way to perform this process shown to be flawed in 2022 performs parallel walks over similar supersingular isogeny graphs. Many recently proposed ways to perform this process rely on learning with errors as applied to lattices; perhaps the most promising of those is named Kyber. The first phases of “hybrid” systems use inefficient but convenient asymmetric encapsulation mechanisms that perform this process. Perfect forward (*) secrecy can be established during this process. In one way to perform this process, [read slowly] a shared primitive root is raised to the powers of two different private exponents by two participants within the multiplicative group of integers modulo some prime, after which the participants send the results to each other. That method for this process is named for Diffie and Hellman. For 10 points, name this process in which participants establish a shared cryptographic secret. ■END■
ANSWER: key exchange [accept key agreement, key transport, or key encapsulation until mentioned; prompt on cryptography or encryption]
<Alistair Gray, Other Science - Computer Science>
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