
Hydrogen is produced in a class of these reactions that transforms iron(II) to iron(III) in hydrothermal vents. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these extremely generically named interface interactions that may occur when drilling reservoirs below a critical salinity. These interactions often reduce well permeability.
ANSWER: water–rock reactions [accept in either order; accept water–rock interactions]
[10e] The crushing of rocks in water–rock reactions is considered in this field that studies reaction initiation through mechanisms such as ball mills and other methods of fracturing.
ANSWER: mechanochemistry
[10m] The mechanochemical embryonic differentiation wave model was posited as an explanation for this process through a proposed “cell splitter” organelle possibly based at the Spemann organizer. It generally occurs in Hamburger–Hamilton stages 5 through 8.
ANSWER: neurulation [accept primary neural induction]
<Andrew Wang, Chemistry>

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