
A potential explanation for the Staebler–Wronski effect is that these structures trap electron-hole pairs. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these structures that detriment photoconductivity in solar cells consisting of amorphous silicon. These structures cause associated atoms to act as immobilized free radicals.
ANSWER: dangling bonds [prompt on bonds]
[10e] Dangling bonds cause the formation of an energy level in the band gap between the conduction band and this band, which is the highest filled band at absolute zero.
ANSWER: valence band
[10m] Anomalous behavior of the energy level contributed by dangling bonds arises from a “shift” in nuclear coordinates due to this rule of vibronic transitions. According to this rule, electronic transitions in molecules do not cause significant changes to their nuclear configuration.
ANSWER: Franck–Condon principle
<Andrew Wang and David Bass, Physics>

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