
Porphyry’s treatise On Abstinence From Eating Meat cites this earlier philosopher’s claim that there exists a kinship, or oikeiôsis (“oy-kay-OH-sis”), between humans and animals. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this peripatetic philosopher who cataloged over 500 species of plants in his magnum opus Enquiry into Plants. This philosopher led the Lyceum after the death of his teacher Aristotle.
ANSWER: Theophrastus [or Theophrastos]
[10e] Aristotle placed plants only above minerals in this hierarchical taxonomy of all beings, which became a core part of Scholastic natural science.
ANSWER: great chain of being [or scala naturae]
[10h] Aristotle’s great chain of being reflected his interpretation of the four elements in this work, in which he equated Air with the qualities of heat and wetness and equated Earth with cold and dryness.
ANSWER: On Generation and Corruption [or On Coming to Be and Passing Away]
<Caleb Kendrick, Philosophy>

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BHSU[moderator voice] yes that is so tenpointscore! is your team feeling bonuspilled?010010
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