
A widely cited Ruth Macklin paper argues that appeals to this concept in bioethics are so vague and uninformed as to be “useless.” For 10 points each:
[10h] A collection of lectures by Jeremy Waldron identifies what controversial concept as a universal extension of rank or status established by the framework of human rights?
ANSWER: human dignity [accept Dignity, Rank, and Rights; accept “Dignity is a useless concept.”]
[10e] Appeals to dignity in bioethics are particularly common among thinkers affiliated with this institution. Key texts in the modern social teaching of this institution include Dignitatis humanae and Caritas in veritate.
ANSWER: Roman Catholic Church [accept the Vatican; prompt on the Church; prompt on the papacy by asking “what larger institution does the papacy head?”]
[10m] The applied ethics movement of the 1970s popularized this method in bioethics outside of its original Catholic context. Taken narrowly, this term refers to the application of precedent to particular cases.
ANSWER: casuistry [prompt on case-based reasoning; prompt on Jesuitism]
<Henry Atkins, Philosophy>

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