
In one painting, this medical condition may be implied by the missing brain and eyes of Oblivion, who is stopped by Father Time from throwing a blanket. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this condition implied by a cherub trampling thorns and a toothless depiction of Jealousy in agony in Bronzino’s painting Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time.
ANSWER: syphilis [accept word forms such as being syphilitic or suffering from syphilis; prompt on mercury poisoning by asking “what was it being used to treat?”]
[10e] This series’s third painting, The Inspection, depicts a viscount with syphilis sores at a “quack doctor.” The Tête à Tête (“tet ah tet”) appears in this series by William Hogarth about unfaithful nobles.
ANSWER: Marriage A-la-Mode
[10h] Before dying from syphilis, the “Dutch Poussin” Gérard de Lairesse (“lay-RESS”) created a painting of these things represented by a bird eating from a woman’s hand and a boy holding a triangle. A woman representing one of these things sits near medical equipment in a 1618 series.
ANSWER: five senses [accept sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch or equivalents in any order] (The 1618 series is by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Peter Paul Rubens.)
<Ganon Evans, Visual Fine Arts>

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