
Abel Olímpio drove a “ghost-van” to assassinate a “Hero of the Rotunda” with this first name and four others in the Bloody Night of 1921. For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this first name, also held by a prime minister assassinated during the Bloody Night. A third politician with this first name founded the Evolutionist Party and was the sixth president of his country in the 11 years up to 1921.
ANSWER: António [accept António Maria de Azevedo Machado Santos, António Joaquim Granjo, or António José de Almeida]
[10e] Portuguese politics were incredibly unstable between 1910 and the 1933 establishment of the Estado Novo under this leader.
ANSWER: António de Oliveira Salazar
[10m] The First Portuguese Republic was toppled in a coup in this month of 1926, with António Óscar de Fragoso Carmona establishing the National Dictatorship soon after. In another colony, an 1810 Revolution named for this month drove Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros out of power and installed the Primera Junta.
ANSWER: May [accept 28 May 1926 coup d’état, 28 May Revolution, Golpe de Estado de 28 de maio de 1926, Revolução de 28 de maio de 1926, or Movimento de 28 de maio de 1926; accept May Revolution or Revolución de Mayo; prompt on National Revolution or Revolução Nacional] (The second colony is the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata)
<Alex Fregeau, European History>

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