
Colin Campbell Mitchell was given the nickname “Mad Mitch” by sections of the press for his heavy-handed occupation of a section of this city. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this city. The bombing of a children’s party at RAF Khormaksar in this city was one of several guerilla attacks against the British during a namesake four-year “Emergency.”
ANSWER: Aden [or ‘Adan; accept Aden Emergency]
[10m] This foreign leader supported anti-British movements in Yemen through measures like distributing free radios and propagandistic stamps. An international agreement made with this leader forced Shukri al-Quwatli to resign.
ANSWER: Gamal Abdel Nasser [or Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein]
[10e] The Aden Emergency of the 1960s weakened the British Empire’s waning position “east of” this structure. Nasser took control of this structure from the British in 1956.
ANSWER: Suez Canal [accept Suez Crisis or “east of Suez”]
<Alex Fregeau, World History>

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