
Note to moderator: Please read the answerline for the first part carefully.On Peter Schickele’s “New Horizons in Music Appreciation,” a fictional conductor with this name leads a performance ridden with sports-style commentary. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this movement written after its composer recovered from an intestinal disease. Its solemn, imitative melody, which begins “C, up to A, G, long high C,” trades with a faster passage in 3/8 (“three-eight”) marked “with renewed strength.”
ANSWER: Heiliger Dankgesang [accept Heiliger Dankgesang eines Genesenen an die Gottheit, in der lydischen Tonart; accept Holy Song of Thanksgiving to the Deity of a Convalescent, in the Lydian Mode; prompt on the third movement or Molto adagio – Andante of Beethoven’s 15th String Quartet or Opus 132 by asking “what is its formal name?”]
[10m] To recover from an earlier illness, Beethoven went to Teplitz, where he wrote about his problems in a letter to this person. Beethoven wrote a movement cut from his “Waldstein” Sonata for someone who may have been this person.
ANSWER: Immortal Beloved [or Unsterbliche Geliebte; prompt on partial answer; prompt on Josephine Brunsvick by asking “what identity do some scholars think she may have held?”] (The unnamed movement is Beethoven’s Andante favori.)
[10e] Yale’s Brentano String Quartet is named after another possible Immortal Beloved, Antonie, for whom Beethoven wrote a piano piece in this genre. That piece consists of 33 renditions of a waltz by Anton Diabelli.
ANSWER: theme and variations [accept Diabelli Variations, Op. 120; accept ​33 Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120​ or ​33 ​Veränderungen über einer Walzer von Diabelli​, Op. 120]
<Jacob Egol, Classical Music and Opera>

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