
This ruler summed up his utilitarian support of one of his prime ministers by calling him “a pig, but a useful pig.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this ruler whose reign saw the rise of a centrist political ideology called “transformism.” This ruler was assassinated in 1900 by an anarchist in Monza.
ANSWER: Umberto I [or Umberto Rainerio Carlo Emanuele Giovanni Maria Ferdinando Eugenio di Savoia; prompt on Umberto]
[10h] This was the prime minister whom Umberto I called a “pig.” This alleged bigamist formed the Dissident Left political group in response to the centrist coalition formed by Agostino Depretis and Marco Minghetti.
ANSWER: Francesco Crispi
[10e] Despite the latter’s tarnished reputation, Umberto appointed Crispi to his second term as prime minister in the wake of a scandal in this industry. The Bardi, Peruzzi, and Medici families were pioneers in this industry in the 14th and 15th centuries.
ANSWER: banking [accept word forms; accept money lending or finance; accept Banca Romana Scandal]
<Alex Fregeau, European History>

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